Monthly Archives: September 2012

Einkorn Tortillas, A Delicious Wrap

If you’re like me, you often prefer a wrap over a piece of bread.  That’s why I searched and tested until I had this simple, yet most delicious, recipe for einkorn farro tortillas.

Fresh Einkorn Tortillas

Fresh Einkorn Tortillas Ready to Cook

We use tortillas to make wraps filled with all the usual suspects – quinoa, beans, lettuce, salsa, avocado, and cheese.  And here’s a secret for which you may (or may not) thank me: these tortillas make for especially tasty quesadillas.

This tortilla recipe is fast and easy to make.  You can see my simple instructions and ingredients list under our recipes page here: Einkorn Tortillas Recipe. If you do have questions, feel free to contact us because getting them just right is a bit of an art.

When we make tortillas, we usually prepare large Continue reading