Einkorn Noodles in Chicken Soup
Posted March 15, 2016 by
Ready Time 0 min Servings:



    • 300 grams Einkorn Flour About 2 1/2 cups
    • 2 Eggs
    • 1/2 tablespoon Real Salt
    • 1/4 cup Water


    • 1 Batch Noodles
    • 1 Onion White or Yellow Diced
    • 2 clove Garlic Minced
    • 2 tablespoons Coconut Oil
    • 2 cups Carrots Sliced
    • 2 cups Celery Sliced
    • 2 quarts Chicken Broth Can be homemade or boxed
    • 1 quart Water
    • 2 cans Shredded Chicken Or 3 cups if you choose to cook your own
    • 1 tablespoon Parsley
    • Real Salt To Taste
    • 1/2 teaspoon Pepper



    1. Mix 1 1/2 cups of flour, eggs, salt, and water. 2. Add remaining cup of flour. May need to add more until it cleans the sides of the bowl. 3. Knead for ten minutes. 4. Let rest for ten minutes. 5. Sprinkle with more flour. Roll out into rectangle as thin as you can manage. 6. Slice into strips of the desired length and thickness with pizza cutter OR use pasta press if you have one. Leave on counter to dry while making soup. We doubled the noodle batch and set aside half of it on a cookie rack to dry completely so it can be bagged and stored for later use.


    1. Saute onions and garlic in coconut oil. 2. Add carrots, celery, chicken broth, and water to onion and garlic. 3. Bring to a boil. Let boil until vegetables are cooked. 4. Add noodles, parsley, salt, and pepper and let boil until noodles are cooked. 5. Ladle and serve.