Einkorn Cinnamon Rolls
Posted March 8, 2016 by
Ready Time 0 min Servings:


  • 12 cups Einkorn All Purpose Flour Approximate
  • 1/3 cup Honey
  • 1/3 cup Avocado Oil
  • 3 cups Very hot tap water
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons Instant Yeast
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons Real Salt

Cream Cheese Frosting

  • 8 ounce Cream Cheese
  • Honey To taste


1. Mix oil, honey, water, and 4 cups of einkorn all-purpose flour. 2. Add yeast, and 1/2 a cup of flour. Mix. 3. Add salt. Add flour a little at a time while mixing. Keep adding flour until it cleans the sides of the bowl (We added about 7 cups). 4. Knead in mixer for 10 minutes. 5. Let rest in bowl for 20 minutes. If dough is a little sticky, sprinkle about 1/2 cup of flour on top while resting. 6. Knead a couple times on floured surface. Then, keeping on floured surface, roll out into large rectangle a half-inch thick. 7. Brush surface of rectangle with butter. Sprinkle with sucanat and cinnamon until covered. 8. Start at one end, and roll up dough until you have one long cylinder of dough. 9. Cut dough into rolls of the desired thickness with a string or piece of floss. 10. Place into greased jelly roll pan or baking sheet (You can also use parchment or silicon mat instead of greasing). 11. Put in warm place (The oven off) to rise until doubled. About 30-45 minutes. 12. Bake at 350ยบ for 20 minutes. 13. While rolls are baking, mix cream cheese and honey. 14. After 20 minutes, remove from oven. Let cool a little before frosting. DSC01049 DSC01053