Monthly Archives: May 2014

Tips For Baking With Einkorn Flour

Since I started baking with Einkorn Flour, I’ve learned a thing or two, and I’ve decided to share my tips.  For many of you, this is the post you have been waiting for so I hope you enjoy!

slow rise einkorn breadBaking with einkorn flour requires some tweaks but the health benefits of einkorn are worth it, and my persistence is paying off!

I’ll show you how I mill einkorn flour, adapt recipes for einkorn, make white einkorn flour, and add a lovely artisan crust to my einkorn breads.

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Unauthorized GMO Wheat Discovered in Oregon

In the past week, our family has enjoyed several beautiful and delicious einkorn foods, including bread, tortillas, muffins, pancakes, waffles, and pie (crust). With each delicious food, I am reminded of the unique qualities of this dandy farro piccolo.

The first reminder comes about 2 minutes after the first bite. I don’t get the saliva drench and I don’t feel Continue reading