As I drove to the gym this morning, peeking out the little hole in the middle of my windshield where the defroster had actually done something, I thought fondly of spring. I shouldn’t long for things I can’t control; it’s probably not healthy, but I do. Many of you may not live in snowy, cold places like I do, but I’m sure you still look forward to everything coming to life in the spring. Since spring is still forever away, I have to find a way to be content with winter for now. Winter holds few charms for me once Christmas has passed, BUT winter food is one of them. If you can’t have spring yet, try this recipe for creamy chicken soup with buttery Einkorn bread sticks to warm and cheer you up. That sounds cheesy, but anyone who doesn’t know that food can do that is on a terrible diet.
First, the soup. It’s a cream soup thickened with einkorn flour. The texture is smooth and the flavor combination perfect. It’s pretty fast to make and uses ingredients that most people have. Second, we needed a companion for our super soup. What goes better with soups than bread? These bread sticks are awesome! One pan was gone in about 30 seconds once the army of kids got to them, but I did manage to have a couple before they went extinct and can endorse them wholeheartedly. They are different from our previous bread sticks because there is no leaven (yeast or sourdough). So, they’re super fast and can be seasoned with whatever you feel like.
You won’t be half so frozen after this soup and bread combo!
A good soup is necessary for every menu, and this one is perfect for those days when spring seems furthest and you need a pick-me-up. Despite my former bitterness, I must admit that winter has a beauty all it’s own no matter where you live, but it’s even easier to enjoy with warm, creamy soup and buttery bread sticks in your stomach. We’re here to help you make it until spring with another great meal starring Einkorn, our favorite grain. We hope this recipe is just what you needed! Enjoy!